Achieving 20% wind energy will require the number of turbine installations to increase from approximately 2000 per year in 2006 to almost 7000 per year in 2017.
Integrating 20% wind energy into the grid can be done reliably for less than 0.5 cents per kWh.Achieving 20% wind energy is not limited by the availability of raw materials.Addressing transmission challenges such as siting and cost allocation of new transmission lines to access the nation's best wind resources will be required to achieve 20% wind energy.
Offsetting the Costs of Wind Powered Electrical Technology.Although Small wind generator electrical power seems to be an unlimited resource, and, the best wind sites appear to be competitive with market electricity prices in most U.S. regions, several factors exist that make it a less appealing source of alternative energy in terms of economic cost. First off, wind is not uniformly priced resource. Its costs vary widely depending on project scale, wind speed, region, and other factors. Second, the benchmark for comparison with wind to other fuels varies regionally. Third, extra revenue is required to make a project viable, sunk costs are considerable.
To offset the factors that make wind powered electricity a less appealing source of alternative energy and promote its continued growth, wind energy in many areas receives some financial or other support to encourage development. Wind energy benefits from subsidies either to increase its attractiveness or to compensate for subsidies received by other forms of production, such as coal and nuclear, which have significant negative impacts. In the United States, wind power receives a tax credit for each Kilowatt hour produced; that was 1.9 cents per Kilowatt hour in 2006. The tax the credit has a yearly inflationary adjustment. Many American states also provide incentives, such as exemption from property tax, mandated purchases, and additional markets for "green credits." The Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 contain extensions of credits for wind, including micro-turbines.
Secondary market forces also provide incentives for businesses to use .wind-generated power, even if there is a premium price for the electricity, socially responsible manufacturers pay utility companies a premium that goes to subsidize and build new wind power groundwork. Companies use wind-generated power, and in return they can claim that they are making a "green" effort.
Undoubtedly, further tax credits, subsidies and incentives will also be needed to achieve the goal of 20% Wind Energy by 2030. Today, wind power approximately accounts for about 2% of the electricity generated in the United States.
The technology of wind generated electrical power functions by creating electricity through the use of various styles of wind turbine is a very viable alternative energy. Although wind generated electrical power does have some negative impacts, this author feels that in terms of long-term cost and benefit compared with other types of energy, such as the burning of fossil fuels, using a renewable resource such as wind generated electrical power economically, environmentally, and socially is making more and more sense.
Charles Juopperi invites you to do your part in energy conservation by purchasing Green, ROHS, and Energy Star compliant products at his website eDiscount Electronics: []. When you buy products from us, you can rest assured that your doing your part for the environment while finding the lowest prices around. eDiscount Electronics sells discount wholesale desktops, servers, notebooks, tablets, audio equipment, HDTV's, and other types of consumer electronics. Please visit us today. Orders over $1000 ship free!
The bridge saw is the most basic piece of equipment in a fabricators shop. However, the needs of fabricators vary greatly when considering a bridge saw, depending on the market they serve and their production requirements. For this reason CMS has designed a wide range of sawing solutions. From the basic Flexa Saw, an extremely robust semi-automatic bridge saw to the SPRINT / FALCON CNC saw which are fully automated, to water jet / saw combination such as SprintJet.
ABWQ-3000A granite bridge saw machine is developed from ABWQ-3000 bridge saw. The main difference is in the table. Pop up rollers are used in the table of ABWQ-3000A. So the operator can easily move the slab on the table before or after stone cutting.
ABWQ-3000A overall dimension is much smaller than heavy duty bridge saws, because stone fabrication shops usually don’t have enough space to stand a huge heavy duty bridge saw. The compact but strong structure design has greatly reduced manufacture cost. This makes the small bridge saw affordable for most of stone fabricators.
The manual bridge saw is the entry-level bridge saw for standard stone shops. This saw is powered and moved using joysticks. Laser positioning lines are standard, also a small programmable cutting system. Tables rotate manually with hard stops every 22.5 degrees. Horsepower ranges from 20 – 40 hp, blade size diameter between 14 inches to 48 inches.
When the North American Material Handling & Logistics Show (NA 2010) took place on April 28 in Cleveland, Ohio, one of its highlights was drum handling equipment. An educational conference with seminars and a keynote series on the future track of Supply Chain sustainability, retail distribution, and the industrial workforce, the summit featured tens of thousands of material handling and logistics buyers from more than 60 countries. Attendees were able to see, touch and operate the solutions of over 500 material handling and logistics providers. They were also treated to a 150,000 square foot show floor filled with manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, assembly, logistics and IT solutions for the supply chain.
In the days leading up to the trade show, at least two major material handling industrial leaders announced key initiatives involving mixer truck drum roller handling equipment. These newsworthy announcements demonstrated the timeliness of the conference's focus. Now that the North American Material Handling & Logistics Show has ended, attendees are likely wondering where they can get more information about the equipment before making a purchasing decision. Who might these purchasers consist of? Anyone who needs to lift, move or store heavy drums is a likely candidate.
Those individuals and/or businesses will want to entrust their needs to an expert in the field of handling equipment that offers a wide array of solutions. They will also be making a smart decision in choosing a provider who offers a complete range of services included with the purchase price of all equipment and systems. Such desirable add-ons might include process evaluation and analysis to determine the right equipment, engineering and design, project management, start up assistance and training, and complete installation and service.
If drum handling equipment from Morse is among the company's inventory, then the consumer can rest assured s/he is in good hands. Known as "The Specialist in Drum Handling Equipment," Morse manufactures the most extensive line of 55-gallon (208 liter) equipment. It carries ergonomic barrel and drum handling equipment to lift and move rack drums and to weigh and pour drums along with drum trucks, dollies, palletizers and handling forklift attachments. The company also manufactures a full line of drum handlers including rotators and rollers to mix the contents of sealed drums. In addition, it carries drum cones to control the flow of dry material. Finally, the company makes drum pumps, wrenches, faucets and heaters.
If the Morse lineup is not enough, a reputable equipment provider will also carry spill containment equipment, valves and vents, heaters, drip cans, drum dumpers, dispenser systems, drum crushers, drum lifters, carts/ dollies, cabinets, drum rotators, racks, funnels, scales and mixers-in essence, everything you need to cover your drum handling needs. Seek out drum handling equipment with a large scope of options that can be tailored to your exact needs. The time you put into the search will be well worth the quality, attention and choices you receive.
Along with upgrades for the operating system, processor, snapper and screen quality, modern-day smartphones have upgraded in one more important department and that is the number of SIMs they allow on a single device.
Most of the handset manufacturer's, including the key players in the market, offer dual SIM smartphones. Many prefer not to use them because of the hassle of having to manage two numbers. However, a smart phones dual sim offers more benefits that you can bargain for. Hence, they are worth the purchase.
1. You can enjoy two plans at the same time
A Subscriber Identity Module or SIM is a smart card for mobile phones provided by telephone service providers. With a dual SIM phone, you can use two plans from different service providers simultaneously. You can choose one card for its data plans and the other for voice calls. Doing so, will help you keep your monthly communication expenses low as far as airtime is concerned.
2. Create a Business and Personal Phone in One
The thought of carrying two phones, one for business and another for personal use, is not a very convenient option for all. With a dual SIM smartphone, it is possible to use a single phone and still manage to separate your business and personal contacts. This arrangement also allows you to split phone bills especially if you are required to maintain a record of business calls at the end of the month.
3. Cost-effective Communication on the Move
Dual SIMs offer the best advantage to people who have to travel overseas frequently on business. The roaming charges are quite high. On the other hand, using a local SIM means blocking messages from people back home. A smartphone that accepts two SIM cards allows you to receive messages from home and at the same time keeps your international roaming charges low by using a local SIM card.
4. Cover Emergencies Swiftly
Even on networks that are usually flawless, there might be delays and gaps in coverage. When you have a dual SIM smartphone, you know that you can still cover such gaps swiftly since the second card is available for use when the other is down. Frequent travelers will find this quite beneficial considering that network reception is not always the same in all parts. You know you have a backup in case one network goes down.
The concrete machinery required at a construction site is a massive capital investment for any company and needs careful consideration. Concrete equipment can cost thousands and even hundreds of thousands of pounds. If you don't have the necessary capital available to purchase your machinery outright you could consider leasing as a viable alternative.
Leasing gives you the option to rent or hire concrete machinery for a specified amount of time. There are many advantages to leasing, the most obvious of which is the financial aspect. Leasing allows you to procure the equipment you need without taking out a loan or paying cash. If you were to take out a loan for your concrete pump, mixer truck parts or concrete batch plant equipment, you would need to pay back the cost of the machinery plus the loan interest. Leasing allows you to pay for the depreciation of the equipment during the leasing period.
Equip your Concrete Machinery Fleet Optimally-and with Minimal Risk
Choosing concrete equipment leasing over more traditional methods of financing could also mean you can afford more sophisticated equipment. You can also choose to lease your equipment for the duration of a project which is perfect if the project calls for lesser used items of equipment. Overall, leasing gives companies more freedom over their budget and the equipment they buy with less impact on their cash flow.
Funding concrete equipment out of your working capital may be impossible right now especially when it comes to larger items of equipment such as a batching plant. Leasing offers the perfect solution at a time when companies are looking to reduce capital outlay.
In many cases, leasing can cover the full cost of your equipment including delivery, installation fees, and even maintenance. This will allow you to spread the cost of your equipment evenly over the lease term whilst also allowing you to use your money elsewhere in the business and remain competitive. What's more, leasing offers significant tax savings as lease payments are viewed as operating expenses.
Avoid the Risk of an Obsolete Fleet
One of the major problems with buying concrete machinery outright is the risk that it will become obsolete in a short space of time. New technology and discontinued models and parts can make your fleet difficult to maintain and sell. Leasing on the other hand allows you to upgrade and replace your equipment when you need to.
The only downside of getting your equipment this way is that you have no ownership. That means you cannot sell the equipment or upgrade until you have bought your way out of the current lease. Leasing can also work out to be more costly long-term than a loan. However, because many companies operate in the present, this doesn't necessarily pose a problem.
The popularity of the Skype technology means that manufacturers have to be on their best guard in order to try and get to the bottom of all the new goodies that are on the market. In the USA the calls can only be made via the Wi-Fi facility. China and Japan are just excluded yet they are some of the best producers of technology. The Skype Mobile package might work well for USA customers that are looking to lick their wounds. The complaints about Skype functionality on the Samsung Galaxy S are being looked at and sources indicate that there will be some moves to change the direction if the functionality is still wonky.
Users that need to access Skype will need to ensure that their version is of Android 2.1 or even better because the applications have made this specification for the entry level. A quick visit to the website will allow the user to download all the software that they need in order to enjoy the full merits of this package. The popular platforms that are offering the package include IOS, Android and Symbian. FRING is also joining the game with a recent announcement of the FRING out program where users can make calls at an astonishing $0.01 per minute in any data setting including Wi-Fi, 4G and 3G. That is a great bargain in any book regardless of the skepticism.
The breadth of functionality that can be achieved with Skype is virtually limitless. The key is to ensure that the phone is always given the best showing on the market and that there are facilities to make it a success in all respects. That is what makes all the difference to the way that the 3g smart phones is used.
People feel the countryside should be left intact for everyone to enjoy its beauty. Where Wind Powered Electricity Can be Effectively Generated.
Places in the world where wind blows strong and often, people and businesses can harness the wind as an option to use in the generation of electricity. Globally, these places include much of North America, southern South America, Greenland, most of Europe, Northern Africa, eastern Asia, most of Australia, and anywhere there are mountains or large hills. The top 5 countries producing electrical wind power in 2007 were: Germany, United States, Spain, India and China, respectively.
Considerable wind speeds also occur across oceans and large water bodies. Since most of the world's population lives near oceans, wind farms with strong offshore and onshore breezes could produce an abundant amount of electricity. On land in the USA, the major wind corridor is the Great Plains which includes the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The wind turbine also extends into the states west to the great mountains west, including eastern Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. There are also considerable wind resources in eastern and southern Minnesota and the entire state of Iowa, diminishing south through Missouri and east through southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Parts of New York and the New England states also have considerable wind.
The Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that wind power could supply the US with 100% of its electricity, just from the Great Plains wind corridor or from offshore wind farms alone. According to the "Pickens Plan," a $10 billion wind farm with 2500 generators can supply enough energy for 1.3 million homes, and for $1 trillion the Great Plains wind corridor could supply 20% of America's electricity. That would be about 250,000 wind generator to supply 130 million homes.
In a report published by the U.S. Department of Energy, "20% Wind Energy by 2030: Increasing Wind Energy's Contribution to U.S. Electricity Supply," that report concluded that:
Reaching 20% wind energy will require enhanced transmission infrastructure, streamlined siting and permitting regimes, improved reliability and operability of wind systems, and increased U.S. wind manufacturing capacity.
Get ready, the cheaper smart phones might just be the next "Must Have" tech device. Don't laugh, this may be more true than many of us realize or would like to believe. Why?
Mainly because the smart phone fulfills our ever increasing need for a mobile device that gives us all the features of a laptop / internet / phone in one small package. We want it all and we want it small. Go figure!
For regardless of the size of our brain cells, we all need a small communication device that keeps us constantly connected no matter where we are. Connected to friends, family or business via a phone and the Internet. Totally connected to our lives and our sense of "self".
So will you pass the smart test when it comes to smart phones? Or are you still scratching your head, wondering why you would need another techno gizmo cluttering up your life?
If you're still wondering, here are seven reasons or factors why it would be smart for you to consider getting a smart phone.
PDA and Cell Phone Combo. A smart phone is really a combination of a cell phone and a pda. You get the best of both worlds: a cell phone and the functions of a pda in one simple small device. Smart phones can come in different designs: candy-bar, clamshell, slider and flipper.
A smart phone offers many pda-like features but keep in mind it is still more like a mobile phone than a dedicated PDA, which offers larger screens and more applications. A PDA is more like a small computer or laptop than a cell phone.
As technology becomes faster and smaller one can expect smart phones to become more like a dedicated PDA, offering more applications and more functions of a conventional handheld in a smaller package.
Mobile Convenience. Perhaps the greatest advantage of having a smart phone is the mobility it gives you. You can stay in constant contact with all your friends, family or work.For mobile professionals it can be a very convenient and practical way to stay in contact with your work.
Concrete polishing is not a new concept. Machines and technology that are used today for polishing concrete were originally made to polish stone and marble. It's only recently been discovered by the manufacturers of these tools that the same concepts can be used to polish concrete.
Why would one want to polish a concrete floor or anything concrete? Concrete is a very stable and sturdy material to make floors from. With the ability now to polish concrete and wax it making it shine just like marble, showroom floors that used to be dull and lifeless now take on a new quality of their own. Especially useful in car showrooms, concrete is easier to clean that stone or marble and with the polishing can look just as good as stone or marble.
Polishers work basically the same way on concrete as they do on stone or marble. The effect that the polishing tools have on the surface varies with weight, rotation of the tool and speed of the tool, as well as the polishing pad being used. Things such as cleaning between grit, density, direction of rotation and the speed at which the operator moves the machine also change the effect of the polisher on the concrete.
The final finish of a concrete floor will depend on the mix of gravel, sand, water and concrete in the mix. But for the most part, concrete surfaces can take on the luxurious glow of marble or granite, just at a lower cost.
Buffers and polishers for concrete surfaces are the same as those used for marble or stone or granite. Some concrete floors require a different grade of pads to polish and buff the surface, but the bridge saw machine is the very same one as used for other fine stone, marble or granite surfaces.
The first step in building a wind turbine is setting up the tower where the fiberglass nacelle is installed. The nacelle is a strong, hollow casing that contains the inner workings of the wind turbine. Usually made of fiberglass, the nacelle contains the main drive shaft and the gearbox. Its inner workings also contain blade pitch and yaw controls. The nacelle is assembled and attached onto a base frame at a factory.
The most diverse use of materials and the most experimentation with new materials occur with the blades. Although the most dominant material used for the blades in commercial wind turbines is fiberglass with a hollow core, other materials in use include lightweight woods and aluminum. Wooden blades are solid, but most blades consist of a skin surrounding a core that is either hollow or filled with a lightweight substance such as plastic foam or honeycomb, or balsa wood. Wind turbines also include a utility box, which converts the wind energy into electricity and which is located at the base of the tower. The generator and wind powered street lights are standard equipment whose main components are steel and copper. Various cables connect the utility box to the nacelle, while others connect the whole turbine to nearby turbines and to a transformer.
Potential Positive and Negative Effects of Wind Solar Power System.There are a variety of potential positive and negative impacts of wind powered technology.
Potential positive impacts include:Wind energy is friendly to the surrounding environment, as no fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity from wind energy.
Wind turbines take up less space than the average power station. Windmills only have to occupy a few square meters for the base; this allows the land around the turbine to be used for many purposes, for example agriculture.Newer technologies are making the extraction of wind energy much more efficient. The wind is free, and we are able to cash in on this free source of energy.
Wind turbines are a great resource to generate energy in remote locations, such as mountain communities and remote countryside.Wind turbines can be a range of different sizes in order to support varying population levels.When combined with solar electricity, this energy source is great for developed and developing countries to provide a steady, reliable supply of electricity.
Potential negative impacts include:Wind turbines generally produce less electricity than the average fossil fuelled power station, requiring multiple wind turbines to be built.Wind turbine construction can be very expensive and costly.
Wind turbines can have a negative impact to surrounding wildlife during the build process.
The noise pollution from commercial wind turbines is sometimes similar to a small jet engine.Protests and/or petitions usually confront any proposed wind farm development.